Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seeing the Reunion

Recently Taiwan was given two pandas by China. Obviously this causes mass hysteria in Taiwan. Come on, it’s a panda! So I took a trip to the Taipei zoo. It was my first time seeing pandas which was pretty exciting. Since so many people in Taiwan also wanted to see the pandas, We were given a specific time in which we could see them. Once we were in the huge exhibition hall built specifically for them we just had time to file through to see them. One person that I was with received a call on her cell phone as we were walking past and wasn’t even able to see them. I felt sorry for her since I didn’t even get a good picture with my camera for her to see them. Once the craziness subsides I think I would want to see them again, maybe. The pandas’ names are Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, in Chinese when you say these together it means reunion. So I call these panda’s propaganda, but still they are pretty cool.   All in all, my trip to Taipei was an amazing trip. I had a lot of fun and seeing pandas in real life, I couldn’t ask for more.

IMG_0045                              alg_pandas

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