Sunday, September 2, 2007

1st week of School

I just finished my first two days of teaching. While i didn't feel quite at home with the E1 kids (1st grade) I got through it and that's all that matters. My E6 kids (6th Grade) are amazing. I ran into one of them at a book store on Saturday, but she was too shy and didn't want to talk. That is how most of the students are; they are very good in speaking English, but they are too shy to actually speak. I am learning a bit more Chinese not as much as I wish I knew, but enough to order things from restaurants.
I visited a temple yesterday on our bike tour and was amazed at the architecture. It was so ornate and very beautiful. and then I realized everyone worshiping there did not know Christ. It weighed really heavy on my heart and the hearts on the other missionaries as well. We had a prayer after visiting the temple for the people of Taiwan. I ask that you too pray for the people of Taiwan that this tiny island may experience the growth of the Christian church as the disciples at Pentecost experienced. Just thinking that 3,000 could be added to the number of the church in one day is amazing. If that happened during the time of the disciples, I pray that it could happen now.

'til next time. tzi chien.


Lit ♥Pikachu♥ said...

They will deffinately be in my prayers.

Emilie said...

This is a good blog. Thank you for permission to look at your blog.

Anna said...

I just looked at your blog. And we're definitely past the first week. What are you playing at, boy?

Just I have any place to talk... with my weeks and weeks of bloglessness at times... but I had to give you a hard time.