Sunday, January 20, 2008

Haven't you always wanted a monkey?

Yesterday, Michael, Andrew, and I went hiking on a new found mountain site that Andrew researched very carefully. Well, I shouldn't say hiking, I should say we tried to hike. Since we didn't exactly know where we were going it was more of an adventure to to talk to the people, most of them spoke very little mandarin Chinese. So Michael had to pick out from the Taiwanese and the Mandarin that they knew directions. This sometimes caused confusion and was a little frustrating at times. In the end we did find the place where we wanted to hike, but decided not to go hiking since it was getting late and we didn't want to be driving on the mountain roads in the dark. Leaving the place we felt like a day had been wasted, our hearts were heavy. We had seen some beautiful scenery, but had not done what we had set out to do. Coming back down the mountain we decided to stop and try to find a cave that we saw a sign for. When we stopped there was a lot of commotion in the forest. We were very silent to find out what it was that was making all the noise. And that is when Andrew spotted a monkey swinging through the trees. All together we saw three wild monkeys. Because of this, the trip felt worth it.

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