Monday, March 10, 2008

New friends, a good time

This past week we finally started OSF again. It was great to get to talk with the Junior and Senior High students. Since I don't get much interaction with this age group throughout the week, it is always fun to get a little time with them. We had a game night and quite a few students participated in the fun.  Stalin brought a book that he had just bought and it had the presidents of the United States in order. So Stalin, Mark, and I had a good conversation about United States history. Having a conversation with Stalin is always interesting you never know what you are going to talk about. A new AFL student is here as well this semester. He was living in Canada and you can tell that his English is very good. While I didn't talk with him for long, it was great to meet him. I think he will be a great addition to OSF and the CMS


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