So it's been a while since I've updated this blog. I'm sorry, I'm really bad at this sort of thing. But i do have a couple of fun stories from the E1 classroom this week. I thought I would share them in a quick paragraph.
The first story has to do with my birthday and my Chinese name. Since it was my birthday on Monday, the office decided to throw a party. In our meeting room they drew a picture of me and had written on the chalkboard, Happy birthday Fei Da Nyo. Which happens to be my Chinese name. Well, some of my 1st grade students do their homework in that room when they are waiting to be picked up by their parents. They saw the name on the board and knew it was my birthday so the next day they asked if Fei Da Nyo was my Chinese name. I told them it was, so all during break time that day I heard Matthew zhong gyen mingza Fei Da Nyo. (Matthew's chinese name is Fei Da Nyo). The students then tried to talk to me in even more Chinese and were amazed at how much Chinese I knew.
The second story also happened during break time this week. I was sitting on the floor with Jamie and Ginger. I had taken my glasses off for a bit, and that is when Jamie noticed something about my eyes. They were green! So she says in amazement, "Matthew have green eyes." It made me laugh, and I said yes.
And those are some stories from the E1 Classroom.
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